### .x(exp)x. ### version 2.1 by `Zoso ### ### ### stuph i'd like to say: Exp is an addon for raw clones. to load it, unzip it into your addon dir and type /load exp.mir If you don't know what the hell I'm talking about, here's some stuff from the addon faq by [x|x] and webba: +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ In order to add compatibility for addons in your script you need: 1. %VER variable containg your scripts version 2. An /ADDON directory off of your main MIRC directory 3. Install the alias /LOAD below load { if (%ver == $null) { echo 4 $active This is a non-compliant script, load failed. halt } elseif (( $right(5,$1) == .mirc ) || ( $right(4,$1) == .mir )) { play -c $me $mircdir $+ addon\ $+ $1 0 goto end } else /load $1 $2 } else { echo 4 $active Unsupported extension, load failed. } :end } Thats IT! Do those 3 things and all your scripts will be compatible with addons. +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * End of thingy... * For more info, and the entire addon.faq, go to: http://www.varium.com/xix/ ### Here's some niftly features of exp:  Popups (first addon I know of that does this)  Raw clones (that's the whole point of this)  Events (not the first addon to use these) ### Stuff to look for later (don't hold your breath, im pretty lazy)  Other neato raw features  Bug fixes (if there are bugs, which is most likely) btw, if you find a bug, im z0so on efnet, or you can email me at z0so@geocities.com  Maybe other addons, and some code to satisfy yer hunger ### Other notes, read it.  exp *requires* the addon dir in yer mircdir. If you don't have it, exp will detect this on load, and stop the play. It needs this, because it reads from a text file (exp.raw) for most stuff in yer mirc addon dir.  type /exphelp when it loads, for help of course.  you must have a %ver, ie /set %ver ü)-(G£èÉ )-(ïGh ª§/<ëË. (hurts yer eyes, doesnt it?  This *is* for mirc 4.6, not 4.7, 4.7 came out right when i was about to release this :P Shootoutz to: ANSee, mcbain, acidjag, acidx, bleach, MrBubbles, bice, selstice, stickb, kaleido, ctennis, bice, shylock IN NOT PARTICULAR ORDER!@^$% :) and i probly fergot you, i just looked in the channel list and picked out some random ppl who i know. :) ### stuff you dont care about And of course, the usual boring disclaimer..you don't have to read this, it basically says leave me alone if this causes anything bad..:P ### DISCLAIMER: ### I am not responsible for any damage to anything, nothing, but I'll go ahead and list what I'm not responsible for (the likely stuph) and all.. - K:lines, g:lines, or /kill's (don't act surprised!) - Any loss of friendship or damage to your irc life - Channel ban's or kick's or anything else - Anything else. so you get the point.. don't try to pull anything on me. (especially lawsuits)